Included in the calculation of EBVs are the animal’s own performance, the performance of known relatives, the heritability of each trait and the relationship between the different traits ie. a world class genetic evaluation model, combining all traits in one analysis.

    All breeds of beef cattle in Australia use BREEDPLAN. For most, the BREEDPLAN genetic evaluation program has been integrated with the respective breed association’s pedigree system. Substantial genetic improvement for traits of commercial importance have been demonstrated within each breed.

    Breedplan Enquiries

    For more information contact:

    Catriona Millen

    Phone: 02 6773 3357
    mobile: 0409 102 644



    Score Sheets


    Blonde d'Aquitaine Society of Australia & New Zealand Inc.

    Agricultural Business Research Institute

    University of New England

    Executive Officer: John Thomas

    Armidale NSW 2351, Australia 

    Phone: +61 2 6773 3126

    Fax: +61 2 6772 1943

    See all Office Bearers

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